Here is my take on the PopWrap's 13 Amazing performances missed out by awards and glitz
1-3 I am not to aware of because I don't really remember Zach on SNL, didn't see or like horror movie "The Last Exorcism" and lastly didn't see but thought about going to see "Despicable Me" with Steve Carroll. They compare his performance worth of "Alladin's" Robin Williams.
Ok lets get to the good ones:
4. lets skip completely because I hate vampires, and the only reason I even know this girl is from Degrassi, where she plays Mia, who's character is less pretty but more rea
5. Jonah Hill in Cyrus. He is the oddly loveable son of Marisa Tomei with

6. Patricia Clarkson & Stanley Tucci as Rosemary & Dill in "Easy A": I loved this movie, it was cute, and had a great modern twist on a classic and boring "Scarlet Letter." Stanley Tucci and Patricia Clarkson are the ultimate scene stilling parents. Laid back but street smart, and know how hard it is to be a teenager.

A memorable quote curtsey if IMDB.
Rosemary: I had a similar situation when I was your age. I had a horrible reputation.
Olive Penderghast: Why?
Rosemary: Because I slept with a whole bunch of people. Mostly guys.
Olive Penderghast: Mom!
7. Some dude of "Friday Night Lights" I could give a rats ass about
8. Florence and the Machine at the MTV Video Music Awards: thanks to alternative radio stations and "Eat Prey Love" this girl is huge and who can resist a good pick me up on a dog day afternoon! Watch it here
9. Some dude from some show I have also never watched...NEXT
10. Imogen Poots as Allyson Karsch in "Solitary Man" missed the movie, but looked decent....on the list.
11. Hye-ja Kim as The Mother in "Mother" also something I missed but looks a little too EMO for me right now....

12. Amanda Peet as Mary in "Please Give" : "Amanda began her career playing shrill bitches ("Saving Silverman") before segueing into more endearing characters ("Studio 60") -- a progression that's put to perfect use in this inspired comedy as she tackles the first endearing bitch of her career and emerges with the most human character she's ever created."-The Post.
I can't agree more, although they missed out her great moments in"Igby Goes Down;" as well; this movie makes her funny too....or at least you laugh at her for her ridiculous behavior. She works at a skin care spa but tans obsessively, and I like the tan on her actually. She knows its bad but does it anyway. She hates her cute but angry grandmother. Is totally fucking the ambulance chasing neighbors who want to buy her grandmothers apartment just to make their dream space. It has a really great lesson in the whole film too...if you have some money, or feel guilty...give some away.
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