1. Take at least one picture everyday. Post it to flickr.
You should carry a camera with you. A phonecam will do. The act of carrying a camera, and always keeping an eye out for a picture to take changes the way you look at the world. It makes you notice more things. It keeps you tuned in.
Posting it to flickr (or other photosharing sites) means that you’re sharing it. It’s in public. This will make you think a little harder about what you shoot and it might draw you into conversation about your pictures.
heres one of my favorite conversation pieces in my flickr account.
1 comment:
Seeing the world through a camera keeps you alert, and it makes you look at everything in a different manner. Suddenly its lines and angles and shadows that make up the world. At the same time, I think that when you live too much through the camera, you live life for the photos, not for the life.
Also, insanely great photo
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